What Defines You? The Work Sharp Outdoor brand was built on the pillars of Legacy, Preparedness, and Success that define the outdoorsman. The tradition of your family sets the foundation for who you are, the things you do, and how you do them. Your skills and sense of know-how are the result of generations of hard work, hard lessons, and great rewards. Shaping those lessons, passing down the skills, and preparing the next generation for success is what defines your legacy, making it strong, enduring, and real.
Elk NetworkWork Sharp – A Legacy of Sharpness with the RMEF
Gear 101 | May 9, 2018
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RMEF Surpasses 9 Million Acres of Lifetime Conservation Work, Surges into 2025
MISSOULA, Mont. — The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation enters the new year having just eclipsed the nine-million-acre mark of conserved or enhanced habitat over its [...]
Chronic Wasting Disease Confirmed in New Wyoming Hunting Area
Below is a news release from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has confirmed the presence of chronic wasting [...]
Utah Offers Free, Mandatory Shed Antler Hunting Class
Below is a news release from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. If not from Utah, check with your state’s regulations to see what requirements [...]